Dekalb Caribbean Carnival King and Queen Competition 2016
On May 25h the Atlanta Carnival Bandleaders Council (ACBC) launched the King and Queen competition for 2016. The parade of bands started with the opening remarks from the leaders of ACBC, introductions of the band leaders. The Parade took off with the Caribbean beat followed by the ACBC banners, children in their array of colorful costumes while dancing to the addictive Caribbean music as they showcase their themes for the 2016 carnival.
Individual band representatives impress the judges in their costumes, choreography, and jubilee as they bring to life their themes. The judge’s scores each band based on themes, visual impact, and creativity, craftsmanship, and costume line ups. The prize distributions were 1-3 place winners of the king and queen of the band. Congratulations to the winners of the King and Queen Competition for 2016.
1st Place—Panyarders Natalie Thompson
2nd Place—Classi Waves Silan Francis
3rd Place—Calabash Alley, Akilah Millar
1st Place—Panyarders, Clyde Baker
2nd Place—We kinda Ting Allan Nothingham
3rd Place–Classi Waves, Geoff P Khan